The Hand of God Was Upon Him–John Mangrum (28 July 2013)
A look at Ezra and his faith in the word of the Lord over the protection of kings. His study of God’s word, application of that word to his life, and teaching it to others prepared him to be someone who stepped to the front and led well at a time when Israel had choices […]
Now What?–Dan Waugh (21 July 2013)
The fall of Jerusalem and Israel is a pivotal story in redemptive history. Israel and Judah’s sin reaches the tipping point and God sends his people into exile. How does this speak to God’s faithfulness to his promises and ultimately point us to Christ?
Powerful. Gracious. And Sovereign.–Dan Waugh (14 July 2013)
A look at two stories from the ministry of Elisha. Both stories display God’s power, his grace, and his sovereignty – three attributes of God we can take great comfort in.
And Justice for All–Dan Waugh (7 July 2013)
The story of Naboth’s vineyard in 1 Kings 21 reminds us that God desires justice and stands ready to punish those who deny or pervert justice. As we think about this narrative, it both convicts and brings comfort to God’s people.
I’ve Had Enough, Lord–John Mangrum (30 June 2013)
A look at Elijah’s complaint from 1 Kings 19:1-18. Even the heroic prophets were real people and sometimes found themselves at their limit. God patiently provided for Elijah in his despair, as he provides for us.
No God but God–Bob Whitaker (23 June 2013)
The story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18:16-39. The story is fascinating, the themes are varied, but the main lesson is simple. There is only one God. Will you follow the false gods created by human desires or will you follow the one true God, the king of the universe, […]
What’s the Big Deal about Idolatry?–Bob Whitaker (16 June 2013)
A side note in the sermon series “Ancient Stories, Contemporary Truth” that will inform our view of stories to come.
The Puzzling Path of the Living God–Josiah Leuenberger (9 June 2013)
1 Kings 17:1-24 will introduce the prophet Elijah as he confronts King Ahab, calling down the covenant curse for the Israelites’ unfaithfulness in worshiping other gods. Join us on “The Puzzling Path of the Living God” as we explore God’s sovereignty and role of sole provider for life and living.
Human Foolishness and Divine Sovereignty–Bob Whitaker (2 June 2013)
Can foolish human decisions be part of God’s divinely sovereign plan? The story of Rehoboam’s first decision as leader of Israel, from 1 Kings 12:1-15, is an example of God’s directing the affairs of humanity and even guiding a human choice in order to bring about his will. His will, which he had already made […]
Leaving a Legacy–Bob Whitaker (26 May 2013)
In 1 Kings 9:1-9, we will consider the legacy of Solomon, including the good, the bad, and the ugly!