Online Giving
Thanks for generously supporting Christ Community Church! You can make donations right here on the Web. Click one of the buttons below to donate using either your credit/debit card or your PayPal account.
Thanks for generously supporting Christ Community Church! You can make donations right here on your device. Tap one of the buttons below to donate using either your credit/debit card or your PayPal account.
Recurring Donations
Setting your donations to recur helps Christ Community determine the regular operating budget with more clarity and certainty. Setting up a recurring donation is easy. Simply click the button for your desired donation above, and in the new window check the box for “Monthly Gift.” If you have any questions or concerns just shoot us a message or call the office: (812) 332-0502.
Tithes and Offerings
Tithing is bringing the first 10 percent of our income back to God. It’s a way to worship God by showing Him that we trust His promises. It’s also a way to protect our hearts from greed. By bringing back to God what is rightfully His, we remind ourselves that everything we have comes from Him.
Offerings are any gifts we give over and above the tithe. As we understand how generous God is to us, we’ll find ourselves wanting to be more and more generous toward Him.