
Pursuing Christ, Together

Summer Schedule (May 26 – July 28):
Sunday Mornings 

9:15am, No Summer Programing

10:30am, Family Worship
(elementary-age children join us in the sanctuary for worship;
birth-preK childcare provided)


Spring Break Schedule: On March 20th, we will again worship all together at 10:00am. We’ll return to our regular schedule of worship at 9:30 & 11:00am on Mar. 27th.

Prayer List: In Pastor Dan’s message last week that encouraged us to be a praying community, he mentioned a special list of prayer requests for our church. To access a copy of this list, click here.

Sabbath Keeping: The Women’s Adult Community Group will kick off a new series on questions surrounding the biblical principle of honoring the Sabbath: “What is Sabbath?” “Why do we observe the Sabbath? (or why not?)” “How do we do it?” Women of all ages are invited! Meeting in Rm. 17 at 9:30am, beginning Mar. 27th.

Join Our Habitat Team! We are seeking 10-12 volunteers for our next Habitat for Humanity build on Saturday, April 9th, 8am-4pm. No experience is necessary! To join the team, use this signup form or visit our Welcome Center by Sunday, Apr. 3rd.

Rummage for Refuge: Shop Wheeler Mission’s rummage sale Apr. 7-9 at The Warehouse (1525 S. Rogers St.) in support of Wheeler’s community programs. Volunteers are needed for presorting, set-up/tear-down, as well as assistance each day of the sale.  See the sale flyer for hours and visit to check out the available volunteer shifts!

Gospel Living: The 11:00am Adult Community Group meeting in Rm. 18 has begun an exegetical Bible study on 1 Thessalonians, “Stay Awake! Gospel Living till the End.” All are welcome! This group is on spring break and will resume Mar. 27th.

Purchase Memorial Easter Lilies: We invite you to purchase Easter lilies, which will decorate our Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. To order, go to

Hospitality Help: Would you be willing to help with the coffee and extra refreshments that we will offer on Easter Sunday, April 17th? Volunteers are needed for food prep, setup, and cleanup. To help, please sign up using our online form, by visiting the Welcome Center, or by contacting Patty Robertson.

Encourage Nursing Home Residents: Starting on Thursday, April 21st (time TBD), we will once again be able to be with the residents at Garden Villa Nursing Home for a time of singing and ministry. Contact Joy Stien or the church office if you’re interested in joining this monthly outreach. Participants must be fully vaccinated and have their vaccination information on record at Garden Villa.

Meet Needs within Our Church Family: Bring hope and help to members of our church family who are experiencing difficulties–be part of a pool of volunteers that the Deacons can call upon when needed. Please fill out the Care Ministry Volunteer Opportunities Survey.

March Energy Action: Transportation Transportation accounts for the biggest share (28%) of the average American’s energy footprint.  Please review the Transportation Action Sheet as you make choices about your travel OR even just shopping in town.  

Southern Indiana 6K for Water: Did you know that 6 kilometers is the average distance people in the developing world walk for water each day? Sign up to walk or run the Southern Indiana 6K for Water on Saturday, May 21st, and you will be bringing life-changing, clean water to communities in need. Visit to learn more and register. CCC Missions is helping to sponsor this event.

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