Comfort in the Storm — Bob Whitaker (10 Sept 2017)
Trusting God whenever everything is going well? That’s easy. Trusting God when the shadow of death is looming large? That’s difficult. How can trust be consistent in spite of our circumstances? That is the question we ask.
Trusting God Completely — Bob Whitaker (8 May 2016)
When the early followers of Jesus shared their faith it often produced persecution, but in spite of the circumstances their attitude was remarkable: “No matter what happens, we will trust you.” This Sunday we look at Acts 4:23-31 to consider how their remarkable faith might be implemented in our lives.
God’s Presence in the Silence — Rob Girvin (21 Feb 2016)
John 11:21-27. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus to come and help their brother, Lazarus, but Jesus did not come until it seemed there was no hope left. Do we trust Jesus when he doesn’t come through as we expect?
A God You Can Trust? — Bob Whitaker (19 Jan 2014)
Matthew 7:7-12. Jesus describes God as a most loving father. In fact, it appears he believes that God will give us whatever we want. “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find…” On the surface, these seem like open-ended promises…but are they? Suppose you asked for what was not in your best interest. […]
The Hand of God Was Upon Him–John Mangrum (28 July 2013)
A look at Ezra and his faith in the word of the Lord over the protection of kings. His study of God’s word, application of that word to his life, and teaching it to others prepared him to be someone who stepped to the front and led well at a time when Israel had choices […]