There Is Hope–Bob Whitaker (18 Aug 2013)
“There Is Hope.” This word of God that came through the prophets is for every nation of people throughout history. Those who follow God can depend upon him to keep his promises. Join us as we look at the “already, but not yet” in Isaiah 11: the promised restoration to the exiled of Israel, the […]
I Will Redeem–Pastor Whitaker (11 Aug 2013)
The theme of redemption is not only central to the life of God’s people in the Old Testament, it continues like a scarlet thread of truth throughout the New Testament. The final and continuous theme of the Bible is that the ultimate redemption is accomplished through the work of Jesus Christ. When the theme of […]
You Are Loved by God–Bob Whitaker (4 Aug 2013)
God disciplines those he loves through punishment, but his purpose is restoration and he will not allow the punishment to last forever. God loved Israel enough to restore them. God loves us enough to draw us back when we wander into sin. The ultimate expression of God’s love for us is the person of Jesus […]