One Epic Road Trip — Dan Waugh (3 Apr 2016)
From Acts 9:1-19. William Larkin wrote, “The most important event in human history, apart from the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, is the conversion to Christianity of Saul of Tarsus.” Okay, so that’s probably a bit of an overstatement (but not by much). Paul’s Damascus Road experience changed his life; in fact, […]
A Religious Leader’s Fall Into Grace — Josiah Leuenberger (28 Sept 2014)
Acts 9:1-19. Join us in exploring the story of Paul’s conversion from chief persecutor of the church to champion of the church, and consider with us the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and the lives of the people around us.
Dealing with Our Enemies — Bob Whitaker (17 Mar 2013)
While fleeing from Saul, David has the opportunity to take Saul’s life. He refuses to do so, claiming that he cannot kill God’s anointed one. Even though Saul is pursuing him for evil intent, David is determined to let God deal with the injustice. This is a theme that we see in the Psalms of […]
Whose Armor Are You Wearing? — Bob Whitaker (3 Mar 2013)
Armor offers protection. Who wouldn’t want this when going into battle? Yet, David in 1 Samuel 17 declines Saul’s offer of armor, choosing instead the protection God has already given him: his faith and his instruments of shepherding.
Saul: A Man Without Equal? — John Mangrum (24 Feb 2013)
A look at God’s grace and mercy despite our sin, confession, and the foolishness of trusting in our own strength.
Faith Fail, Yet Faithful — Dan Waugh (17 Feb 2013)
In 1 Samuel 8:1-22, the people reject God as their judge by asking Samuel for a king, “such as all the other nations have.” (v. 5) God’s intention was not for them to be like the other nations! In spite of their rejection, God is faithful and eventually sends them a King like no other.