What Does It All Mean? — Bob Whitaker (1 Apr 2018)
From Luke 24:1-12. After Jesus appeared to the women at the tomb, they told the disciples and Peter came running. He looked into the tomb and went away “wondering to himself what had happened.” So what does all this mean? What is the basis of our celebration on Easter?
King Jesus — John Mangrum (25 Mar 2018)
On Palm Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the beginning of the end of his work on earth. In so many ways, Jesus is a king like no other.
Where Is the Kingdom? — Bob Whitaker (18 Mar 2018)
The kingdom of God was a favorite theme for Jesus. Naturally, the disciples had some questions about it. Where is it? What does it look like? Who is in it? Let’s be disciples and ask the same questions.
Where Is Your Treasure? — Bob Whitaker (11 Mar 2018)
From Matthew 19:16-30. When Jesus is approached by a rich man who is interested in following God, an interesting thing happens. When the young man realizes the cost of discipleship, he turns away. The reason is simple – he loved money more than anything else. It is easy to condemn him, but we would do […]
Forgiveness Is Essential — Bob Whitaker (4 Mar 2018)
In Matthew 18:21-35, Peter has a question for Jesus. “How many times should I forgive the one who sins against me?” Jesus’ answer is quite unnerving: forgiveness should never end – forgive always. Now that’s a tall order!
Who Is the Greatest and Why? — Bob Whitaker (25 Feb 2018)
In Mark 9:33-37, Jesus is moving toward the cross, close to the time of his departure. A three-year training program for the disciples is about to end. So what is the chief concern of his disciples? They want to know which one of them is the greatest. Really? Have they learned nothing? Or, are we […]
We’re in a Battle — Bob Whitaker (18 Feb 2018)
As Pastor Bob continues our series Lessons on the Way to the Cross, we look to Mark 9:14-29 for insights in the episode of a demon-possessed man. Evil is waging war against us, but God stands on our side.