Hymn: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Affirmation of Faith
Holy Is the Lord
Holy Holy Holy
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Prayer of Confession
Worshipping in the Word: Psalm 16
Message: “Not Abandoned”
My Jesus I Love Thee
College Lunch: Welcome back, students! Hope you had a great break! After you get settled into the new semester, we hope you’ll join us for lunch after worship on Feb. 2nd.
Youth: Winter Jam: there’s still time to sign up for Winter Jam! Next Friday, February 7, we will meet at the Shack at 4:30 pm, eat some pizza, and head up to Indy for a night of Christian music. Sign up through this google form BY THIS TUESDAY NIGHT to make sure we have enough drivers and seat belts!
Hands Helping Hannah: Will you help us make more warm baby blankets for little ones at The Hannah Center, one of our CCC Outreach partner organizations?
1) At the table outside the Children’s Ministry office, pick up some fleece and a copy of the instructions.
2) Return prepped fleece to the table by Sunday, Feb. 16th.
3) Come to Community Night at 6pm on Feb. 23rd to make blankets while enjoying fellowship and pizza.
Membership Class: If you are interested in becoming a member of CCC, we invite you to attend the next membership class cycle that begins Sunday, Feb. 16th, 6-8pm. Please contact Lynne.
Senior Adult Ministry (SAM): Soup’s on! Come out of the cold and enjoy a variety of different soups and flavors this Thursday, February 6. Please note that we will start earlier at 11:30am.
Preschool Registration: Registration for our 2025-2026 preschool classes is open to currently enrolled preschool families and CCC families. Information and registration will be posted at cccbloomington.org/preschool.
Camp Registration: Registration for our 2025 kids’ summer camps opens to CCC families at 9am on Monday, Feb. 10th and to the general public at 1pm on Tuesday the 18th. Don’t wait to register—once it opens to the public, camp sometimes fills up within minutes! Learn more at cccbloomington.org/camp.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. A group will meet 6-8pm every Wednesday, beginning Feb. 12th. Join anytime during this 13-week program! Visit griefshare.org for more info or to sign up.
Faith & Art Book Club: Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and art through captivating stories in both fiction and nonfiction. On Monday, Feb. 17th, we’ll have a book discussion and film screening of To Kill a Mockingbird. See the 2024-25 schedule
Giving to Christ Community: Tithes and gifts can be given in the box at the back of the Sanctuary, by mail, or online at cccbloomington.org/giving.
Adult Community Groups (ACGs): ACGs are mid-sized communities that meet Sunday mornings at 9:15am and cover various topics. Check out the current topics.