Laying Down Our Life — John Mangrum (23 Apr 2017)
Pastor John opens our two-week spring missions focus. How are you reaching out with Christ’s love? Contact the church office for a booklet on what people in our congregation are already doing and get some ideas!
Service: The Mark of Greatness — Bob Whitaker (31 Jan 2016)
“In order to be great you must be a servant. Those who are first will be last…” This was the consistent message of Jesus, but the disciples didn’t understand. Everything about their environment suggested that greatness was associated with power, wealth, and fame. Isn’t this still the problem? As we consider Crossroads on the journey […]
What Is Your Role in the Kingdom? — Bob Whitaker (26 Oct 2014)
Acts 6:1-7. The dramatic growth of the church early in Acts led to the appointing of assistants who would take care of physical needs and help others “find their place” in the body of Christ. Are you on that path of spiritual formation, contributing to life in the body of Christ? What is your role?
Striving to Be Last — John Mangrum (4 May 2014)
Matthew 20:20-34 The mother of James and John tries to call dibs on positions of prestige for her sons, believing Jesus’ reign will be as an earthly king of Israel. Jesus asks if she understands what she is asking–he has just told them that he will suffer and be crucified. To be “first” in Jesus’ […]
A Partnership with Jesus — Bob Whitaker (6 Oct 2013)
In Mark 6:30-44, Jesus feeds the crowd of 5,000. The root of this story is that Jesus is the Bread of Life, but perhaps it also concerns our calling to partner in ministry with Jesus. Noting the difficulty of the situation, the disciples turn to Jesus for the answer. His response? “You feed them.” They, […]