What Does It All Mean? — Bob Whitaker (1 Apr 2018)
From Luke 24:1-12. After Jesus appeared to the women at the tomb, they told the disciples and Peter came running. He looked into the tomb and went away “wondering to himself what had happened.” So what does all this mean? What is the basis of our celebration on Easter?
King of Kings — Bob Whitaker (16 Apr 2017)
Luke 24:1-12. Like the people who shouted “Hosannah!” at Jesus arrival to Jerusalem and later chanted “crucify him,” we, along with generations before us, have also misunderstood our King. At Easter, we stop to remember our need for the grace of God. We remember, too, that he stands ever ready to give us that grace.
Three Stories, One Resurrection — Bob Whitaker (27 Mar 2016)
Can you relate to Peter, Thomas, and Paul in their interaction with Jesus? Their stories offer encouragement as we seek to follow our risen Lord. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!
After the Resurrection — John Mangrum (12 Apr 2015)
Luke 24:36-53. A look at Jesus’ interaction with the disciples when he appears to them after the resurrection. How do the ways he encourages them relate to our situation?
The Promise of Easter — Bob Whitaker (20 Apr 2014, Easter)
Jesus’ death was much more than a resuscitation or a near-death experience. He was dead, but God brought him back to life. Because of this, death is not the last chapter in the book of our lives, but the introduction to the next book–the book of eternal life. Jesus, who leads his people like a […]
Life Has Conquered Death–Bob Whitaker (31 Mar 2013)
Christ is risen! Satan’s end was God’s means, and the resurrection life that God gave to Jesus opened the door for all to receive that same life through faith.