Dealing With Opposition — Bob Whitaker (17 Aug 2014)
Nehemiah 4:1-15. Sometimes, we experience opposition when we are doing the wrong thing…or even when we’re doing the right thing! Nehemiah faced serious opposition simply because he was doing what God had called him to do. What is the proper approach to handling opposition and what can we learn from it?
Live in the Moment — Bob Whitaker (10 Aug 2014)
The phrase “live in the moment” is often associated with impulsive or even thoughtless behavior; in the context of this passage, it speaks of Nehemiah’s spiritual alertness and readiness to act when God provides an opportunity. Are you ready to live that way – in the moment?
Preparation for a Mission — Bob Whitaker (3 Aug 2014)
Nehemiah 1:1-11. Pastor Bob is back in the pulpit this week to begin a three-part series, Lessons from the Exile, that will wrap up our summer series, Characters of the Bible. Consider with us how important it was for Nehemiah to prepare for a mission through an honest prayer and what we can take away […]