
Pursuing Christ, Together

Sunday Mornings

9:15am: Children’s, youth, & adult programs
10:30am: Worship & children’s programs (birth-5th grade)*

*On the 1st Sunday of each month, K-5th grade kids
join the adults in the Sanctuary for Family Worship.

Support CCC Missions

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We encourage you to prayerfully consider making a faith-promise pledge to give to Christ Community Missions in 2024!

Making a pledge this fall allows the Missions Committee to set a budget for next year based on expected giving. The missions budget is completely separate from the church’s general budget and is funded entirely by donations you designate to missions; NO funding comes from the CCC general budget.
I pledge to give:

Please note:

When giving, please remember to write “missions” on your cash donation envelope or the memo line of your check. Online donations may be made at