School #1 name, city, state
School #1 dates attended
School #1 major/minor
School #1 degree
School #2 name, city, state
School #2 dates attended
School #2 major/minor
School #2 degree
School #3 name, city, state
School #3 dates attended
School #3 major/minor
School #3 degree
School #4 name, city, state
School #4 dates attended
School #4 major/minor
School #4 degree
Company #1 name
Company #1 position held
Company #1 dates of employment
Company #1 contact person
Company #1 phone
Company #2 name
Company #2 position held
Company #2 dates of employment
Company #2 contact person
Company #2 phone
Company #3 name
Company #3 position held
Company #3 dates of employment
Company #3 contact person
Company #3 phone
Company #4 name
Company #4 position held
Company #4 dates of employment
Company #4 contact person
Company #4 phone
List any other pertinent training, talents, or experiences (including other missions or cross-cultural experiences).
How well do you know the culture and language of the place to which you will be going? *
Please describe how your long-term ministry plans fit with one or more of these areas of focus. *
1. Holistically: Reaching out to individuals and communities with the whole gospel in both word and deed. *
2. Targeting Self-Sustaining Solutions: Honoring the dignity and giftedness of those being served by encouraging their insight and active participation in the process of improving their own situation. *
3. Towards Lasting Change: Seeking transformation and development that will have a long-term impact upon people and communities. *
4. Building the Church: Committed to building, establishing, and/or working in cooperation with the local church. *
5. Together with Christ Community Church: Committed to building a long-term relationship and partnership with our church - not just funding. *
Briefly describe your walk with the Lord: How did you come to know Him as Savior and Lord, and what does this mean for you on a regular basis? *
Briefly describe the reason you feel called to go on the mission field. What are the mid- and long-term goals or vision you want to work towards? *
Please make any additional comments that you feel would be helpful to the Missions Committee.
Spouse's date of birth
Date of marriage
Spouse's school #1 name, city, state
Spouse's school #1 dates attended
Spouse's school #1 major/minor
Spouse's school #1 degree
Spouse's school #2 name, city, state
Spouse's school #2 dates attended
Spouse's school #2 major/minor
Spouse's school #2 degree
Spouse's school #3 name, city, state
Spouse's school #3 dates attended
Spouse's school #3 major/minor
Spouse's school #3 degree
Spouse's school #4 name, city, state
Spouse's school #4 dates attended
Spouse's school #4 major/minor
Spouse's school #4 degree
Spouse's company #1 name
Spouse's company #1 position held
Spouse's company #1 dates of employment
Spouse's company #1 phone
Spouse's company #2 name
Spouse's company #2 position held
Spouse's company #2 dates of employment
Spouse's company #2 phone
Spouse's company #3 name
Spouse's company #3 position held
Spouse's company #3 dates of employment
Spouse's company #3 phone
Spouse: List any other pertinent training, talents, or experiences (including other missions or cross-cultural experiences).
Spouse: How well do you know the culture and language of the place to which you will be going?
Spouse: Describe how you plan to be involved in ministry.
Spouse: Please give a brief description of why you want to go into mission work.
Spouse: Please describe your walk with the Lord. How did you come to know Him as Savior and Lord, and what does this mean for you on a regular basis?