Worship Arts
The purpose of the Worship & Music Ministry at Christ Community is to offer to God His gift of music as an act of worship to His praise and glory. There are a variety of opportunities for involvement in the worship and music ministry.
Adult Choir
Adult Choir. This weekly ministry is an important part of our Sunday worship services. Thursday evening rehearsals (7:00pm – 8:30pm) include time for music preparation, mutual support and encouragement, and prayer. The choir is open to all individuals (from high school up) who have interests and abilities in singing. Librarians assist with maintenance of the choral library on an as-needed basis.
Worship Team
Auditioned instrumentalists and singers rehearse weekly and participate on a rotating basis in leadership of our Sunday morning worship services.
Technical Team
Sound, media, and production volunteers run the various aspects of Sunday morning services. From clicking lyric slides to controlling the Livestream broadcast, positions range in difficulty. If you want to serve, we can put you to work right away and/or train you on something more involved.