What is camp at Christ Community Church? Where do we begin… First of all, camp is beautiful. Camp Olivet sits on a Civil War-era farmstead in Springville, IN with original barn where we eat, craft, and gather. We roam in Indian Creek and trek through hundreds of acres of pristine forest wilderness while deer, salamanders, and snakes scatter. There are no lights to distract from sunsets and starlights. So you know, there’s all that.
Camp Preo

Age 4* – Grade 2* | May 27-30, 2025** | $185
*age 4 by Aug. 1st; grade determined by grade child is entering in the fall
**subject to change if cancellations extend the end of the school year
Camp Preo (“pre-Olivet”) is a four-day daycamping experience your camper won’t forget! We see it as a great chance for young campers to get their feet wet (literally and figuratively) with the camping environment. We hope this generation will be marked by wonder, and Preo will encourage its campers to think big thoughts about God, the world he’s made, and what he’s doing now. We’ll also emphasize that this pursuit is something we do in community – something we do together.
It’s a big thing to send your child to camp for the first time! We hope that our care for the details (from our high staff-to-child ratio to our commitment to allergy-safe snacks and everything in between) will comfort you as you nudge your camper from the nest.
The daily schedule is 8:00am drop-off and 1:30pm pick-up.
Camp Olivet

Grades 3-6* | June 2-6, 2025** | $285
*determined by grade child is entering in the fall
**subject to change if cancellations extend the end of the school year
Oh, Camp O. Where do we begin? In this beautiful setting we invite campers to play, to create, to sing, to act, to wonder and worship, to ask unscripted and unfiltered questions about God – who he is and what he’s doing. And best of all, they do it with friends – some they knew before and some they just met. Community is big here – we want kids to crave relationship and find it here with God and others. Our 1:3 counselor to camper ratio (and 2:1 overall staff to camper ratio) are designed to ensure your child is known and comes to know others.
This is a week that will become part of your child’s story. There’s a reason we have old campers coming back to counsel and be part of the staff each year – Camp Olivet gets in your blood. Sending your child to camp is a big step, and we want to help the camp experience be something amazing and unforgettable.
Camp Staff

Mindy Flick, co-director Mindy has been a co-director of CCC camps since 2019. She is passionate about shepherding children’s hearts towards Jesus and has worked in the world of children for her entire career, specifically early childhood. In her free time, she loves to hike with her family, watch movies, and laugh. Humor is definitely her love language, along with coffee…lots of coffee!
Leah Wooden, co-director Leah has loved getting to camp at Olivet since 2001 and joyfully started co-directing with Mindy in 2019. A CCC staffer since 2014, she loves anchoring kids to Jesus at preschool, on Sunday mornings, and at camp. She is married to Matt, and they have three kids. She loves hiking, building stuff, and rhubarb cream pie!
Matt Wooden, camp staff Matt served ten years as Director of Children’s Ministry at CCC before transitioning to the fourth grade classroom and a subsequent career in school administration. A big believer in the long-lasting impact of the camp experience, he has been a part of the staff at Camp Preo and Camp Olivet since 2001. He is also a member of the Camp Olivet facility’s governing board.
David Maxson, camp staff David Maxson grew up all over the Midwest and lives in Memphis, Tennessee, but Camp Olivet feels like home. Some of David’s most cherished memories were made in Camp O’s Worship Pit. Fittingly, David’s primary role at camp is leading songs during worship! When he’s not at camp, David still plays guitar and ukulele, but he also teaches college courses in communication and spends as much time as he can with his wife, Amanda, and their two kids.
Adam deWeber, camp staff Adam is silly, hairy, kind, and loves Jesus! He and his wife have three kids (currently a camper, a junior counselor, and a counselor), and the whole family loves camp! He enjoys going outside, playing guitar, and making up dumb songs on the spot.