Pursuing Christ, Together

Sunday Mornings 

9:15am, Adult Community Groups
Pre-K–5th: Huddles (Kids Community Groups)
Students 6th–12th: Sunday Morning Blast

10:30am, Adult Worship Service
Pre-K–5th: Underground (Kids Worship Service)

1st Sunday of the Month: Family Worship
(elementary-age children join us in the sanctuary for worship)

Birth-preK childcare provided for all Sunday Morning times

Summer Schedule (May 26 – July 28):
Sunday Mornings 

9:15am, No Summer Programing

10:30am, Family Worship
(elementary-age children join us in the sanctuary for worship;
birth-preK childcare provided)

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Saturday, November 23rd
1pm @the church

Come spend some time with the women of CCC
…get to know some women you don’t know.
…get to know women you know a little better.

Come chat
…about your life and your loves.
…about your faith and your fears.
…and listen to the stories of others.

Come experience God through a spiritual practice
…and prepare your hearts for the Advent season.

Are you signing up others in addition to yourself?
What could you bring? (Please select one and list more specifically below.)