
Pursuing Christ, Together

Sunday Mornings

9:15am: Children’s, youth, & adult programs
10:30am: Worship & children’s programs (birth-5th grade)*

*On the 1st Sunday of each month, K-5th grade kids
join the adults in the Sanctuary for Family Worship.

Care Ministry Volunteer Opportunities

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Because we are a church family,

It is important for us to get to know and serve each other. The Deacons serve as a point of contact between family members who have needs and those who might be able to help with those needs. When you indicate a willingness to serve in an area, you will be placed on a team with others of like interests and contacted by a team captain when a need arises. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to serve, and check the list below.

Let Us Know

If you find yourself in a situation where you need help in any of these areas, please let the Deacons know by contacting any one of them or the church office.