Pursuing Christ, Together

Sunday Mornings 

9:15am, Adult Community Groups
Pre-K–5th: Huddles (Kids Community Groups)
Students 6th–12th: Sunday Morning Blast

10:30am, Adult Worship Service
Pre-K–5th: Underground (Kids Worship Service)

1st Sunday of the Month: Family Worship
(elementary-age children join us in the sanctuary for worship)

Birth-preK childcare provided for all Sunday Morning times

Summer Schedule (May 26 – July 28):
Sunday Mornings 

9:15am, No Summer Programing

10:30am, Family Worship
(elementary-age children join us in the sanctuary for worship;
birth-preK childcare provided)

Connexion: Faith and Word – Panel (17 April 2016)

Connexion this past Sunday evening featured a panel discussion with 4 members of our congregation: Rick and Melissa Hullinger, Ed Ackerman, Brenda Whitaker. Josiah will host a conversation with these individuals on how God has worked in their lives in leading them to serve in the places they are today and how their faith in […]

Connexion: Faith and Finances – Josiah Leuenberger (10 April 2016)

We wrapped up our Life in the Kingdom series this past Sunday with a message from Josiah titled “Faith and Finances” (or, “Everything I wish I knew about money when I was in college.”). Listen as we dig into Christ’s teachings on possessions and wealth and consider their implications for this phase of your life.

Connexion: Special Guest Pastor Dale Beaver (6 Mar 2016)

We are glad to have had Pastor Dale Beaver of Christian Fellowship Church in Evansville, IN as our special guest this week. Pastor Beaver has served at CFC for the past 10 years and prior to that was a chaplain on the NASCAR race circuit. He will share with us insight from scripture and his […]

Connexion: Lost Sons – Josiah Leuenberger (28 Feb 2016)

We resumed our Life in the Kingdom series with a message from Josiah called “The Lost Sons” on the parable Charles Dickens and Ralph Waldo Emerson called “the greatest story ever told.” Join us as we consider the transforming truth that Jesus’ Prodigal Son parable displays about our basis for relationship with God.