“Mary’s Song”
Can you think of a time when you did something reluctantly because you didn’t feel you had what it takes to do it well? Mary, after being given the news by God that she would bear the Son of the Most High, rejoiced at this incredible task. Granted, at that point she may not have been thinking ahead to the details and the hardship that could come, but her excitement at God’s choice to use someone like her to do something so remarkable is striking. God uses those the world doesn’t pay attention to. What a privilege it is to be used by God in any way! He doesn’t look for those who have it all together and stand out—he uses the humble.
It all comes down to bringing glory back to God. Mary declares, “From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.” (vs. 48a-49) She is excited about being called blessed, but in the same sentence acknowledges that the blessing comes from God.
How might challenges that you are facing bring glory to God? Will you humbly believe that God can use you as you are?