Lighting of the Advent Candle
Joy to the World
Christmas Cantata
Pastoral Prayer
Congregational Meeting: Members are encouraged to attend the annual December business meeting for the election of 2024 officers and approval of the 2024 Missions budget. The meeting will follow worship on Sunday, Dec. 15th. Copies of the slate of officers and Missions budget proposal are available at the Welcome Center.
Christmas Eve: Come reflect on the wonder of Christmas at our special 6pm candlelight Christmas Eve service of Scripture readings, special musical performances, and a Christmas story. Childcare is not offered so that everyone can attend the service. Kids are welcome to come in their Christmas jammies!
Memorial Poinsettias: We invite you to purchase poinsettias in honor or in memory of loved ones, which will decorate our Sanctuary during Advent. Plants may be ordered at the Welcome Center or by using our online form.
Senior Adult Ministry (SAM): Join us Thursday, Dec. 19th, at 11:30am for our Christmas luncheon. There will be lots of delicious dishes on the menu, Christmas carols sung, and inspiration by Aimee Tuszynski. Our meal will be just perfect with your contribution! Last names A-N please bring a side dish or salad; O-Z, dessert. See you Thursday!
Advent Devotional Series: Visit the table outside the main doors to the Sanctuary to pick up a copy of our Advent devotional series for your family and some extras to give to friends. This four-week series was written by Bob Whitaker and Dan Waugh and designed by Cynthia Huggins. You are also welcome to use the corresponding Advent playlist to listen to the carols mentioned in the devotional.
Year-End Giving: Thank you for your faithful giving to ministry at CCC! As you prayerfully consider year-end offerings, please keep in mind the following dates if you wish to qualify for 2024 tax benefits:
- Checks must be dated and, if mailed, postmarked Dec. 31 or earlier.
- The church office will be closed Dec. 24-Jan. 1.
- Online gifts must be completed in time to allow PayPal notification to be received by CCC before midnight on Dec. 31.
CCC Library Advent Reading Challenge: Stop by the library to learn more about our Advent reading challenge for both adults and children. Great books, craft kits and other prizes. Check out our large selection of Christmas and Advent books. Something for everyone!
Faith & Art Book Club: Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and art through captivating stories in both fiction and nonfiction. See the 2024-25 schedule
Giving to Christ Community: Tithes and gifts can be given in the box at the back of the Sanctuary, by mail, or online at cccbloomington.org/giving.