Glory to His Name
It Is Well with My Soul
This I Believe
Prayer of Confession
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9
Worship in the Word: “A Secure Hope”
To the Table
Visiting Missionaries: We are excited to welcome Mike and Valerie Boado this Sunday. In addition to our having them up front during worship, we invite you to stay afterwards for an update on their ministry over lunch in Rm. 18.
College Students: We invite you to stay after worship for lunch in the Gathering Space as we continue to talk about “Surviving and Thriving”.
Walk for Peace: The Bloomington Multi-Faith Alliance invites community members to a silent vigil walk for peace in Palestine and Israel on Sunday, October 6th at 6pm.
As the anniversary of the beginning of the current conflict nears, we will walk together with peace as our intention and with hope for healing in our community and throughout the world. Those who wish to keep watch with us are invited to bring your own candle or lantern, but, please, no slogans or signs. We will walk in silence along the B-Line Trail, beginning at the Switchyard Park Pavilion.
As a community, we recognize the difficulty of producing a unified statement that could begin to create the space for reconciliation, yet we wish to use our action to articulate a desire to remain together as people of faith and a diverse community committed to peace and conflict transformation.
Pumpkin Trail: Have some fall fun at the Pumpkin Trail on Sunday, Oct. 13th! Helping hands are needed at church that afternoon to set up a pumpkin patch and to hand out treats to the kids. Adults are encouraged (but not required) to wear costumes! Sign up to help
Baked Goods for Cru: Help us give the college students of Cru campus ministry a taste of home! We welcome your contribution of baked goods or snacks IU Cru’s fall retreat. Please bring your goodies to the church no later than noon on Wednesday, Oct. 16th. See the signup
Marriage Seminar: Saturday, 6-7:30pm, Nov. 2nd, 9th, and 16th.
This seminar is for married couples at all stages, believing we all benefit from reminding ourselves of certain truths, revisiting essential skills, and being intentional about developing relationships with our spouses. Topics include ‘the Purpose of Marriage’, ‘Soul Mates’, ‘Seasons of Marriage’, ‘Navigating Conflict’, ‘Forgiveness’ and more. Childcare is provided for children up through fifth grade. Registration is required. Sign up
Grad Students & Young Professionals: If you are interested in a small group for grad students/young professionals, please let us know using our Google Form.
Care Ministry Volunteer Opportunities: Bring hope and help to people in our church family who are experiencing difficulties–be part of a pool of volunteers the Deacons can call upon if needed. Please fill out a Care Ministry Volunteer Opportunities survey.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. A group is meeting on Wednesdays in Rm. 17 from 6 to 8pm through Nov. 20th. Come anytime! For more info, or to sign up, go to griefshare.org/groups/235417.
Giving to Christ Community: Tithes and gifts can be given in the box at the back of the Sanctuary, by mail, or online at cccbloomington.org/giving